September 14, 2020
John Domen

Matt Humbard, of Paten Brewing, in Hyattsville, Maryland, puts his microbiology experience to work in craft brewing. (WTOP/John Domen)
A brick industrial building in Hyattsville, Maryland, is not where you’d expect to find a science lab. But this one fits right into the culture it’s working to enhance: brewing.
Laboratories aren’t unique to Matt Humbard, who heads up Hyattsville-based Patent Brewing Company. He’s a trained microbiologist whose full-time job has him working on the federal response to the coronavirus pandemic.
The demands and the safety restrictions resulting from the pandemic put on pause Humbard’s plans to open up a brewery and tap room to sell Patent on-site. But his expertise helps him to play around with different yeasts, which he sells to other breweries around the region, and now the lab will allow him to take things a step even further.
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