The Class 5 Brewery license is meant to be predominantly a brewing facility, with limited accommodation of the public on-site. The M5 (= manufacturer Class 5) is allowed to brew an unlimited amount of beer, and has […]
Class 6M – Pub-Brewery
It is worth noting that most of what are casually referred to as “Brew-Pubs” in the State of Maryland, are actually registered under Class 7 licenses. The Class 6 Pub-Brewery license may only be issued to […]
Class 7M – Micro-Brewery
The Class 7 Micro-Brewery license is meant to be an adjunct to a restaurant, and has the following provisions: $500 fee, annual; Issued to the holder of a Class B (restaurant) license, or a Class D (tavern) […]
Class 8M – Farm Brewery
Maryland Alcohol Article §2-210 “Class 8 Farm Brewery License – Effective July 1, 2014” §2–210. (a) There is a Class 8 farm brewery license. (b) (1) Subject to paragraph (2) of this subsection, a license holder may sell […]
Class 7W – Limited Beer Wholesaler License
Maryland Alcohol Article §2-308 §2–308. (a) There is a Class 7 limited beer wholesaler’s license. (b) The license may be issued only to a person that: (1) holds a Class 5 manufacturer’s license, a Class 7 micro–brewery license, […]
MD Franchise Law
Maryland’s Franchise law was revised in 2019 with beneficial provisions for breweries that produce 20,000 barrels or fewer. The law citations.